Garrett Brown
Software Engineer
"Have the courage to suck at something new." - Unknown
About Me
I am a Software Engineer who graduated from Epicodus and worked under Hubb as an Angular Development Intern. I graduated in the class of 2016 from Reynolds High School, and initially wanted to pursue a theatre arts degree, as I had realized I had a passion for it just before I graduated. I went to school at Clackamas Community College, Mt. Hood Community College, and South Puget Sound Community College for 4 years, until the COVID-19 Crisis shut down my campus in Olympia. I took interest in coding, as I had enjoyed taking it along grahpic design in high school. My cousin is also a software engineer, and after hearing about the amazing projects I could work on myself, enrolled myself in Epicodus's Mobile and Web Design Bootcamp. I graduated from Epicodus in March 2021 with a certification in web and mobile design. I find myself most interested in Front-End development, Animation, Game-Design and UI/UX Design, as it provides a fun challenge in creating something that is visually distinct, yet effiecient to use!
My current interests include video games, Delta Green, drawing, photography and guitars! I also enjoy theatre arts and I've acted in 7 shows on stage, as an extra in "Documentary Now!", and even the webseries "Fallen Justice." I also acted in "Dinner Detective Portland", an improv-based murder-mystery company for 2 years. Some of my favorite bands include Sybreed, Periphery, Perturbator, Carpenter Brut, Health, and A Day to Remember, with metal and electronic being my favorite genres. I currently reside in Southeast Portland and I work for Nectar Cannabis as a Logistics Specialist and Intake Team member.
Tech Stack
JavaScript: JavaScript is my most used coding language due to the frameworks and wide variety of applications available. Related experience: P5.js, Three.js, Matter.js, JQuery, React, React Spring, with minor knowledge of Redux.
C#: My trained backend language. I took interest in it after learning that a wide variety of gaming engines are programmed in C#. Related experience: MySQL, Unity, Razor and .NET.
TypeScript: I learned TypeScript for Hubb Software, as their backend was built in Angular. Related experience: Angular.
C++: I took up C++ in an effort to further my knowledge of game design, as well as add another backend-language to my arsenal. Related experience: DirectX programming.
Processing/Java: I learned Processing in an effort to further my knowledge of animation technologies while also learning a new language. Related experience: Java - MySQL connections, Processing animations. (2D and 3D.)
HTML/CSS: My preferred method of creating sites. Related experience: SASS, Canvas, Bootstrap, API's.
IDE's/Other software: My preferred IDE is VSCode, however I have knowledge of Visual Studio, Eclipse IDE, the Processing Sketchbook, and Tiled Game Editor. Related experience: Figma, Azure DevOps, and WordPress.
Noteworthy Projects
- Dungeon_Darkly
An MUD (Multi-User-Dungeon) Game created by me and 4 other Epicodus students for our first team week! I worked on the old-style computer terminal UI, enemies placed in rooms and their stats, and room descriptions! Created with: HTML, CSS, Javascript, Canvas, Node.JS, and Git.
- Dungeon_Darkly_Unity
The new and improved version of Dungeon_Darkly based on the legendary Unity Engine! I assisted in the creation of the UI to get it to look like a simple screen and scroll as the JS version did! Created with: Unity Engine, C#, Git.
RPG Compendium
A database intended for use alongside Dungeon_Darkly. With this, you can add items, monsters and more to the list of things encountered in-game. I styled this page, and helped with the connections to the MySql database. Created with: C#, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, and MySql.
A Day at Epicodus
A lovely flowchart-esque site that shows the general day for an Epicodus student. This site was meant to be an exploration of React animations and styling capabilities, but ended up becoming a fun nod towards our time spent in class. Created with: Javascript, React, React Spring, CSS, HTML, jQuery, Node.JS, and Git.
My capstone project for Epicodus. This project was an attempt at recreating "Hanenbow", a template for the sound-based Nintendo DS game, Electroplankton. It also includes several coding excercises from projects and technologies I had wanted to use for it. This project cemented in my mind what I wanted to do as a software developer, and that was make unique experiences for a person to enjoy through sound, animation, and gameplay! I fully intend to work on this project in my off time, creating the other templates in the original game, and furthering my skills in what I love! Created with: Javascript, Matter.js, Tone.js, Three.js, P5 Physics Editor, HTML, CSS, and Git.
My assigned project for Hubb Software! This is an arcade feature for Hubb's existing event-planning software. I worked with a fellow intern, Harrison Strand, my mentor, Grant Eadie, the marketing department and their CEO Robert Norton to create this feature! The backend is Angular based, and allows the users to change the colors and logos according to a company's desired color scheme via state variables that are connected to an event-config JSON file! This product was built over 10 weeks and has already been purchased by 2 companies! I assisted in creating Snake-Eater, and the arcade splash page! Created with: Angular, TypeScript, Javascript, P5 Physics Editor, Figma, CSS, HTML, and Git.
Work History
Nectar Cannabis
August 2022 - Present - Title: Logistics Specialist: Full-time. Assists in product distribution from intake to shipping. Works wth two different teams with various duties including Quality Assurance, Metrc data-entry, loading and unloading shipments, and using automated macros to create shipping manfifests with Excel. Works under strict daily deadlines while ensuring accuracy and quality of shipments to retail locations.
December 2021 - August 2022 - Title: Budtender: Part-time. Specialized in customer service and providing knowledge on a wide range of medical and recreational marijuana products.
May 2021 - Present- Title: Software Engineering Volunteer: Variable hours a week. Assists in upkeep of SpringACT's WordPress site, the redesign of the front-end, and assisting in the building of Sophia. Current accomplishments include updating all text in her conversation flow, as well as adding Swiss-specific conversation branch, which was presented to one of Switzerland's Prime Ministers. Product and company accomplishments include the Global Impact Award for 2022, Innovation in Global Security Prize 2022, runner up in the Future United Global Health Award.
Hubb Software
March 2021 - June 2021 - Title: Angular Development Intern: Fixed-term internship. Assisted in creating the arcade-feature of Hubb's virtual-event software. Created the home site, and the Snake-Eater game with assistance from one fellow intern, a mentor, and the marketing department.
Dinner Detective Portland
August 2017 - December 2019 - Title: Actor/Co-host: Worked as an actor and cohost for booked shows once a month. Improv-based dinner theatre show, sometimes commuted to special locations.
Dutch Bros
May 2017 - June 2019 - Title: Barista, provided exceptional customer service, made drinks, and assisted in general maintainance of the stand. Worked all hours with teams ranging from 1 - 8 other coworkers.
McMinneman's Edgefield
June 2016 - September 2016 - Title: Dishwasher/Food-Runner: Washed dishes and ran food to the various locations on the property.
Shorecrest Beach Club
June 2015 - August 2015 - Title: Lifegaurd: Monitored pool chemical levels, customer registration, safety, and food needs.